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Why cant I pass a table inside a table with the following code:

       //first table
       //second table inside the first table
        lua_pushstring(lua_state, "x");         //key
        lua_pushnumber(lua_state, (double)array[0]);            //value
        lua_settable(lua_state, -3);

        lua_pushstring(lua_state, "y");         //key
        lua_pushnumber(lua_state, (double)array[1]);            //value
        lua_settable(lua_state, -3);

        lua_pushstring(lua_state, "z");         //key
        lua_pushnumber(lua_state, (double)array[2]);            //value
        lua_settable(lua_state, -3);
        //finish the second table and set it as index to the first table
        lua_rawseti(lua_state, -2, index);

        //set name of the first table
        lua_setglobal(lua_state, lua_table_name);