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> You could even just add this one line:
> mt.__index = function(tab, key)
>    local user = inconcert.authUser or {languageId=14346, codepage="UTF-8"}
>    translators[key] = translators[key] or {}
> -->    local temp = translators[key]  -- keep a strong reference to the  
> table for this call
>    local translator = translators[key][user.languageId]
>    if not translator then
>        translator = i18nlib.Translator{(arguments omitted)}
>        translators[key][user.languageId] = translator
>    end
>    return translator
> end

The correctness of this code rests on the assumption that the GC will
not run between the two assignments. It seems better style the other way

  local temp = translators[key] or {}
  translators[key] = temp
  ... (use 'temp' for the rest of this code) ...

(Actually the assumption may be wrong! a line hook may cause a GC between
the two lines when debugging this code ;)

-- Roberto