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many sincere thanks for your gratuitous gift to the community!!
I think that you have been one of the legends of the Lua development
and LuaJIT is a testament to this.

Some people speculated that Mike Pall is Lua's version of a "Bourbaki"
group -- a nickname for a group of talented mathematicians disguising
their identities under a collective pen-name:-)

Once in a while messages about "real Mike Pall" pop up on this list.
Without invading your privacy, could you please, add a human face to
the code and dispel the misconceptions.

Best Regards,

P.S. With apologies for celebrity thirsty modern culture and
top-posting your message.

On 2009-11-02, Mike Pall <> wrote:
> It has been brought to my attention that it might be advantageous
>  for some parts of the research community and the open source
>  community, that I make a public statement about the intellectual
>  property (IP) contained in LuaJIT 2.0 and earlier versions:
>   I hereby declare any and all of my own inventions contained in
>   LuaJIT to be in the public domain and up for free use by anyone
>   without payment of any royalties whatsoever.
>   [Note that the source code itself is licensed under a permissive
>   license and is not placed in the public domain. But this is an
>   orthogonal issue.]
>  I cannot guarantee it to be free of third-party IP however. In
>  fact nobody can. Writing software has become a minefield and any
>  moderately complex piece of software is probably (unknowingly to
>  the author) encumbered by hundreds of dubious patents. This
>  especially applies to compilers. The curent IP system is broken
>  and software patents must be abolished. Ceterum censeo.
>  The usual form of disclosure is to write papers and publish them.
>  I'm sorry, but I don't have the time for this right now. But I
>  would consider publishing open source software as a form of
>  disclosure.
>  In the interest of anyone doing research on virtual machines,
>  compilers and interpreters, I've compiled  a list of some of the
>  new aspects to be found in LuaJIT 2.0. I do not claim all of them
>  are original (I cannot possibly know all of the literature), but
>  my research indicates that many of them are quite innovative.
>  This also presents some research opportunities for 3rd parties.
>  I have little use for academic merits myself -- I'm more interested
>  in coding than writing papers. Anyone is welcome to dig out any
>  aspects, explore them in detail and publish them (giving due credit).
>  Design aspects of the VM:
>  - NaN-tagging: 64 bit tagged values are used for stack slots and
>   table slots. Unboxed floating-point numbers (doubles) are
>   overlayed with tagged object references. The latter can be
>   distinguished from numbers via the use of special NaNs as tags.
>   It's a remote descendant of pointer-tagging.
>   [The idea dates back to 2006, but I haven't disclosed it before
>   2008. Special NaNs have been used to overlay pointers before.
>   Others have used it for tagging later on. The specific layout is
>   of my own devising.]
>  - Low-overhead call frames: The linear, growable stack implicitly
>   holds the frame structure. The tags for the base function of
>   each call frame hold a linked structure of frames, using no
>   extra space. Calls/returns are faster due to lower memory
>   traffic. This also allows installing exception handlers at zero
>   cost (it's a special bit pattern in the frame link).
>  Design of the IR (intermediate representation) used by the compiler:
>  - Linear, pointer-free IR: The typed IR is SSA-based and highly
>   orthogonal. An instruction takes up only 64 bits. It has up to
>   two operands which are 16 bit references. It's implemented with
>   a bidirectionally growable array. No trees, no pointers, no cry.
>   Heavily optimized for minimal D-cache impact, too.
>  - Skip-list chains: The IR is threaded with segregated, per-opcode
>   skip-list chains. The links are stored in a multi-purpose 16 bit
>   field in the instruction. This facilitates low-overhead lookup
>   for CSE, DSE and alias analysis. Back-linking enables short-cut
>   searches (average overhead is less than 1 lookup). Incremental
>   build-up is trivial. No hashes, no sets, no complex updates.
>  - IR references: Specially crafted IR references allow fast const
>   vs. non-const decisions. The trace recorder uses type-tagged
>   references (a form of caching) internally for low-overhead
>   type-based dispatch.
>  - High-level IR: A single, uniform high-level IR is used across
>   all stages of the compiler. This reduces overall complexity.
>   Careful instruction design avoids any impact on low-level CSE
>   opportunities. It also allows cheap and effective high-level
>   semantic disambiguation for memory references.
>  Design of the compiler pipeline:
>  - Rule-based FOLD engine: The FOLD engine is primarily used for
>   constant folding, algebraic simplifications and reassociation.
>   Most traditional compilers have an evolutionary grown set of
>   implicit rules, spread over thousands of hand-coded tiny
>   conditionals.
>   The rule-based FOLD engine uses a declarative approach to
>   combine the first and second level of lookup. It allows wildcard
>   lookup with masked keys, too. A pre-processor generates a
>   semi-perfect hash table for constant-time rule lookup. It's able
>   to deal with thousands of rules in a uniform manner without
>   performance degradation. A declarative approach is also much
>   easier to maintain.
>  - Unified stage dispatch: The FOLD engine is the first stage in
>   the compiler pipeline. Wildcard rules are used to dispatch
>   specific instructions or instruction types (loads, stores,
>   allocations etc.) to later optimization stages (load forwarding,
>   DSE etc.). Unmatched instructions are passed on to CSE.
>   Unified stage dispatch facilitates modular and pluggable
>   optimizations with only local knowledge. It's also faster than
>   doing multiple dispatches in every stage.
>  Trace compiler:
>  - NLF region-selection: The trace heuristics use a natural-loop
>   first (NLF) region-selection mechanism to come up with a
>   close-to optimal set of (looping) root traces. Only special
>   bytecode instructions trigger new root traces -- regular
>   conditionals never do this. Root traces that leave the loop are
>   aborted and retried later. This also gives outer loops a chance
>   to inline inner loops with a low trip count.
>   NLF usually generates a superior set of root traces than the
>   MRET/NET (next-executing tail) and LEI (last-executed iteration)
>   region-selection mechanisms known from the literature.
>  - Hashed profile counters: Bytecode instructions to trigger the
>   start of a hot trace use low-overhead hashed profiling counters.
>   The profile is imprecise because collisions are ignored. The
>   hash table is kept very small to reduce D-cache impact (only two
>   hot cache lines). Since NLF weeds out most false positives, this
>   doesn't deteriorate hot trace detection.
>   [Neither using hashed profile counters, nor imprecise profiling,
>   nor using profiling to detect hot loops is new. But the specific
>   combination may be original.]
>  - Code sinking via snapshots: The VM must be in a consistent state
>   when a trace exits. This means that all updates (stores) to the
>   state (stack or objects) must track the original language
>   semantics.
>   Naive trace compilers achieve this by forcing a full update of
>   the state to memory before every exit. This causes many on-trace
>   stores and seriously diminishes code quality.
>   A better approach is to sink these stores to compensation code,
>   which is only executed if the trace exits are actually taken.
>   A common solution is to emit actual code for these stores. But
>   this causes code cache bloat and the information often needs to
>   be stored redundantly, for linking of side traces.
>   Code sinking via snapshots allows sinking of arbitrary code
>   without the overhead of the other approaches. A snapshot stores
>   a consistent view of all updates to the state before an exit. If
>   an exit is taken the on-trace machine state (registers and spill
>   slots) and the snapshot can be used to restore the VM state.
>   State restoration using this data-driven approach is slow of
>   course. But repeatedly taken side exits quickly trigger the
>   generation of side traces. The snapshot is used to initialize
>   the IR of the side trace with the necessary state using
>   pseudo-loads. These can be optimized together with the remainder
>   of the side trace. The pseudo-loads are unified with the machine
>   state of the parent trace by the backend to enable zero-cost
>   linking to side traces.
>   [Currently snapshots only allow store sinking of scalars. It's
>   planned to extend this to allow arbitrary store and allocation
>   sinking, which together with store forwarding would be a unique
>   way to achieve scalar-replacement of aggregates.]
>  - Sparse snapshots: Taking a full snapshot of all state updates
>   before every exit would need a considerable amount of storage.
>   Since all scalar stores are sunk, it's feasible to reduce the
>   snapshot density. The basic idea is that it doesn't matter which
>   state is restored on a taken exit, as long as it's consistent.
>   This is a form of transactional state management. Every snapshot
>   is a commit; a taken exit causes a rollback to the last commit.
>   The on-trace state may advance beyond the last commit as long as
>   this doesn't affect the possibility of a rollback. In practice
>   this means that all on-trace updates to the state (non-scalar
>   stores that are not sunk) need to force a new snapshot for the
>   next exit.
>   Otherwise the trace recorder only generates a snapshot after
>   control-flow constructs that are present in the source, too.
>   Guards that have a low probability of being wrongly predicted do
>   not cause snapshots (e.g. function dispatch). This further
>   reduces the snapshot density. Sparse snapshots also improve
>   on-trace code quality, because they reduce the live range of the
>   results of intermediate computations. Scheduling decisions can
>   be made over a longer stream of instructions, too.
>   [It's planned to switch to compressed snapshots. 2D-compression
>   across snapshots may be able to remove even more redundancy.]
>  Optimizations:
>  - Hash slot specialization: Hash table lookup for constant keys is
>   specialized to the predicted hash slot. This avoids a loop to
>   follow the hash chain. Pseudocode:
>     HREFK:  if (hash[17].key != key) goto exit
>     HLOAD:  x = hash[17].value
>     -or-
>     HSTORE: hash[17].value = x
>   HREFK is shared by multiple HLOADs/HSTOREs and may be hoisted
>   independently. The verification of the prediction (HREFK) is
>   moved out of the dependency chain by a super-scalar CPU. This
>   makes hash lookup as cheap as array lookup with minimal complexity.
>   It also avoids all the complications (cache invalidation,
>   ordering constraints, shape mismatches) associated with hidden
>   classes (V8) or shape inference/property caching (TraceMonkey).
>  - Code hoisting via unrolling and copy-substitution (LOOP):
>   Traditional loop-invariant code motion (LICM) is mostly useless
>   for the IR resulting from dynamic languages. The IR has many
>   guards and most subsequent instructions are control-dependent on
>   them. The first non-hoistable guard would effectively prevent
>   hoisting of all subsequent instructions.
>   The LOOP pass does synthetic unrolling of the recorded IR,
>   combining copy-substitution with redundancy elimination to
>   achieve code hoisting. The unrolled and copy-substituted
>   instructions are simply fed back into the compiler pipeline,
>   which allows reuse of all optimizations for redundancy
>   elimination. Loop recurrences are detected on-the-fly and a
>   minimized set of PHIs is generated.
>  - Narrowing of numbers to integers: Predictive narrowing is used
>   for induction variables. Demand-driven narrowing is used for
>   index expressions using a backpropagation algorithm.
>   This avoids the complexity associated with speculative, eager
>   narrowing, which also causes excessive control-flow dependencies
>   due to the many overflow checks. Selective narrowing is better
>   at exploiting the combined bandwidth of the FP and integer units
>   of the CPU and avoids clogging up the branch unit.
>  Register allocation:
>  - Blended cost-model for R-LSRA: The reverse-linear-scan register
>   allocator uses a blended cost model for its spill decisions.
>   This takes into account multiple factors (e.g. PHI weight) and
>   benefits from the special layout of IR references (constants
>   before invariant instructions, before variant instructions).
>  - Register hints: The register allocation heuristics take into
>   account register hints, e.g. for loop recurrences or calling
>   conventions. This is very cheap to implement, but improves the
>   allocation decisions considerably. It reduces register shuffling
>   and prevents unnecessary spills.
>  - x86-specific improvements: Special heuristics for move vs.
>   rename produce close to optimal code for two-operand machine
>   code instructions.
>   Fusion of memory operands into instructions is required to
>   generate high-quality x86 code. Late fusion in the backend
>   allows better, local decisions, based on actual register
>   pressure, rather than estimates of prior stages.
>  Ok, that's it! Sorry for the length of this posting, but I hope it
>  was at least informative to someone out there.
>  --Mike