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Sivan Thiruvengadam wrote:
I changed the method as you suggested CLObject :*GetListofNumbers*(lua_State *L)//{*CLNumList*o = new CLNumList(L);CLNL*ud = static_cast< CLNL*>(lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(CLNumList))); // create new userdatareal_object->GetListofNumbers(*o->real_object); //CLObject ud->pT = o; // lua_pushlightuserdata(L, ud); // luaL_getmetatable(L, NUMLIST ); // lua_setmetatable(L, -2); * *CLNumList::push(L, o);* *return 1;* *}* i am receiving this error C2039: 'push' : is not a member of 'CLNumList'
Are you sure you're using Lunar ? Lunar adds two methods, call and push, that I think were not present in Luna, and parts of your code suggests you're using Luna instead of Lunar.
Things like this: static Luna< CLObject >::RegType methods[]; The example at http://lua-users.org/wiki/CppBindingWithLunar says: static Lunar<Account>::RegType methods[];