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The second part of the following benchmark shows distinctly non-linear
performance: Each pass of the first part runs under one second on my
machine, but the passes in the second part take 4, 14, and 32 seconds,

I'm a bit worried by this, and the impact on programs which process
data from untrusted inputs.  I haven't got a really good idea what can
be done about this.  In similar cases, people have used Jenkins'
lookup3.c hash function with a random seed.  Perhaps it is sufficient
to drop the skipping from Lua's hash function and use a random seed
stored in the Lua state, but the internal mixing of the current hash
function seems to be rather weak.

local function intersperse(s, ch)
   local t = {string.byte(s, 1, #s)}
   for i=1,#t do
      t[i] = string.char(t[i])
   return table.concat(t, ch)

local function magic(s, i)
   return s .. intersperse(tostring(i), '-') .. s

local function f(s, count)
   local t = {}
   for i=10000,10000 + count - 1 do
      local s1 = magic(s, i)
      t[#t + 1] = s1

local function bench(f, ...)
   local stime = os.time()
   local etime = os.time()
   return etime - stime

-- part 1
print(bench(f, "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@", 10000))
print(bench(f, "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@", 20000))
print(bench(f, "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@", 30000))

-- part 2
print(bench(f, "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@", 10000))
print(bench(f, "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@", 20000))
print(bench(f, "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@", 30000))