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On Tue, 2009-10-20 at 17:37 -0200, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo wrote: 
> > '^(?:(?:ceil|abs|floor|mod|exp|log|pow|sqrt|acos|asin|atan|cos|sin|tan|deg|rad|random)\\(|pi|\\(|\\)|-|\\+|\\*|/|\\d|\\.|\\^|\\x2C|
> > )+$'
> I cannot be converted directly but if you tell what you're trying to match,
> perhaps we can offer solutions in Lua.

Actually started doing that, but it's quite complicated.  Can we have |
in Lua regexp pretty please?  I can work around most other limitations,
but alternatives are hard (especially like /hi (foo|bar)+ there/).
