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Tony Finch wrote:
The solution is generally for TLDs to implement a character set policy.
For example, .at only allows these non-ascii characters in domain names:
ä ü ö ë à á â è é ê ì í î ï ò ó ô ù ú û ý ÿ ã å æ ç ð ñ õ ø œ š þ ž

Interestingly, after posting my message I tried resolving the addresses; and it turns out that and www.𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞.com both appear to resolve to the same address... as does𝐜𝐨𝐦. (Using the bold versions of the characters here to make them visible --- these are all from U+1D400 MATHEMATICAL BOLD.) So it certainly looks like something is remapping at least some letter-like glyphs to actual ASCII. I don't know whether that's my Linux system or part of DNS.

┌─── ───── ─────
│ ⍎'⎕',∊N⍴⊂S←'←⎕←(3=T)⋎M⋏2=T←⊃+/(V⌽"⊂M),(V⊝"M),(V,⌽V)⌽"(V,V←1⎺1)⊝"⊂M)'
│ --- Conway's Game Of Life, in one line of APL