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On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 4:18 AM, Stuart P.Bentley <> wrote:
> What are the current developments in the "developing the next generation of
> LuaForge" private e-mail loop thread?
> (Ulterior motive: I'm posting this to open the discussion on this topic in a
> new thread, because I read the list in a newsreader and the "LuaForge is
> down and will be for some time" thread has gone so deep that the titles now
> start past the edge of the screen.)

I think I will try to work on a very lightweight site where Lua
developers can upload tarballs of their libraries and users can browse
the libraries in different categories and download them. If I can, I
will also make a web form to help create luarocks.spec files so that
libraries can be installed with LuaRocks. A bit like Pypi, but
probably not as complex on the metadata/specs side.

I will use sqlite for the database, this way the whole site could be
rsynced easily. I will probably develop the site with PHP and Lua

That is of course if nobody else is interested in working on such a
site and if I can find the time to do it given that I am also very
busy on client projects.

Bertrand Mansion