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On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 6:14 AM, Linus Sjögren
<> wrote:
> Xavante is a web server, is it not?

Yes, Xavante is a web server. The problem with developing just for
Xavante is that, while it's *possible* to deploy using anything, it
adds another layer on top of the original server if you want to use
something besides Xavante as your world-viewable server. And no
offense to Xavante, but most people (myself included) would probably
prefer something like Apache, Lighty, or Nginx on the front lines.
WSAPI still lets you deploy using just Xavante, and embed Xavante in
the CMS for testing, but it also makes it easier to deploy to all
those other servers out there. If you're serious about this project,
you'll want to make sure that people can deploy it with less pain than
having to set up a proxy.

-- Leaf
"There are 10 types of people in the world - those who understand
binary and those who don't."