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in C, use lua_pushnil() and lua_settable() or lua_rawset()

Will that collect the key or could I end up with a large table of
nil values ? (just checking!)

and although unlikely what would happen if I wanted a table that
contained nil values ie is nil some special construct and not just zero
(again just need to be sure I understand what's happening)


Javier Guerra wrote:
On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 2:47 PM, Chris Camacho<> wrote:
I have a table indexed by pointers (lightuserdata) with userdata values
to allow me to look up pointers and return userdata to Lua

However in the userdata's __gc method I need to remove the
pointer key from the table, there seems to be no analogue of
table.remove(t,i) in lua's C api - or am I missing something obvious

table.remove(t [,pos])  is handy for working with the array part of a
table, not the hash part where you're storing your userdatas (since
they're indexed by lightuserdatas and not small consecutive indexes).

for the hash part, simply assign nil:   t(yourlightuserdata)=nil

in C, use lua_pushnil() and lua_settable() or lua_rawset()

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