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Sam Roberts wrote:

no, lightuserdata and userdata are actually different value types in lua
I know, but how can I be using methods of "cpShape" of the returned
userdata, if its lightuserdata..?

how can it still have the same metatable as other lightuserdata

  lua_pushlightuserdata(d, a);
  luaL_getmetatable(d, "cpShape");
lua_setmetatable(d, -2); -- <----- so now the lightuserdata has a different metatable what is it!
   eventually pushright is called with lua_pcall

function pushright(a,b)
  bdy=a:getBody()  --  <--- lightuserdata executing getBody ???
bdy:applyImpulse(,0), -- <--- correct body returned from lightuserdata ??? how?


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