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On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 11:45 AM, Eike Decker <> wrote:
I recently had a loop where I had to read a value that looped like this:

while true do
 local line = readline()
 if not line then break end

I know that there are ways how to write this in a nicer way (i.e.
having an iterator function), but wouldn't it be more nice if this
would work as well this way:

while true do
 local line = readline() or break

I think it would break some relationship to have a language feature
like that - however it simply looks so much nicer... Of course this
concept could be used in a coroutine environment, i.e. having a "stop"
function that yields the coroutine, i.e.

while true do
 local line = readline() or stop()

which looks already quite nice...


This looks a lot like Icon (
