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I tried what you said and got an error:
No matching overload found, candidates:
void __init(luabind::argument const&,custom [float],int,lua_State*)

I removed the lua_State* from my constructors and binding etc. and
stopped receiving the error. It's like it's just not recognising the
function() argument as a lua_State*.

Here's the lua code:
myTimer = Timer( 2, 10, function() Msg('in timer constructor') end )

Here's the constructor call:
Timer::Timer( float delay, int repetitions, lua_State* L ) :
m_fDelay( delay ), m_iRepetitions( repetitions ), m_fInitialTime(
gpGlobals->curtime )
	luaL_checktype( L, -1, LUA_TFUNCTION );
	m_luaFunction = luaL_ref( L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX );

Any ideas why it's generating that error? Thanks.