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Hi Jerome,

On Thu, 6 Aug 2009, Jerome Vuarand wrote:

> The shared data is
> stored in a shared Lua state. The lua_lock mechanism ensures that my
> two (or more) threads cannot corrupt the state while accessing it
> concurrently. However some manipulations of the shared state imply
> calling several functions of the Lua API, and since between each call
> the state is unlocked another thread could have messed with the stack
> state.

Yow.. this sounds dangerous!  Usually I'd advocate against using the 
same lua_State directly from multiple threads even if the VM has a 
sane lua_lock/unlock implementation.  I think the intended mechanism 
for shared access is for threads to access the same global state via 
related lua_States created by lua_newthread().  This approach gets 
around the problem of The Stack State being messed up by separate 
threads by not having a single stack state at all.

> For that reason I call lua_lock in my library, and made sure recursive
> calls to lua_lock were ok. 

OK, so I guess this means concretely that your lua_lock is twiddling a 
recursive mutex, right?

> Additionnally, I've added two functions called lua_lock and 
> lua_unlock, declared in lua.h and implemented in lstate.c, which 
> simply call luai_lock and luai_unlock respectively.

One problem I see with exposing lua_lock()/unlock in the official API 
is that the current implementation is carefully balanced to work with 
a non-recursive mutex on the assumption that only the Lua VM can call 
lua_lock()/unlock().  In particular it assumes that it can pass 
ownership of the lock from one level of lua API calls to another level 
across longjmps regardless of how much user C code it's jumping over.  
Exposing lua_lock/unlock() via the Lua API might cause problems on 
longjmps across sandwiched user C code which is *also* holding the 
lock because the user code is never given a chance to release its 
lock.  In the worst case it could lead to leaked lock references and 
deadlock depending on how exactly it's implemented and what the lock 
ownership policy is.

One approach to allowing recursive holds on the same mutex with 
lua_lock()/unlock() might involve the user establishing a stack of 
handlers to call before longjmping so that they can do scope-exit 
cleanup such as releasing their lock holds.  A simpler alternative 
might be for the VM to directly keep track of the number of recursive 
holds on the same lock and use the appropriate number of lua_unlocks() 
to keep the lock balanced when catching a longjmp.
