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Dear Sir/Team,

Had a good startup.

Was able to call some c functions.

Now I am looking for loading and executing an external LUA (startup.lua) file.

Here if you see the "startup.lua" there are two lines of code. The first one gets executed but nothing for the second function call. But the same function works fine if called directly (not from external "startup.lua" file).

The next step is to pass the events from the C function to LUA.

TD_BOOLEAN GUI_DrawFillCircle(TD_UINT8 INucHandleIndex, TD_UINT32 INuiX, TD_UINT32 INuiY, TD_UINT32 INuiRadius)
**********Some code here****************

TD_BOOLEAN GUI_DrawFilledRect(TD_UINT8 INucHandleIndex, TD_UINT32 INuiX, TD_UINT32 INuiY, TD_UINT32 INuiWidth, TD_UINT32 INuiHeight)
**********Some code here****************

int DrawFill_Circle(lua_State*Lua_VM)
        int i,j[5], n;

        n = lua_gettop(Lua_VM);
        printf("stack size:%d\n",n );

       for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                if ( ! lua_isnumber(Lua_VM, -1))
                        printf("from stack not an integer:%d\n",i );
                        j[(i-1)] = lua_tonumber(Lua_VM, -1);
                        lua_pop(Lua_VM, 1);
                        printf("from stack %d\n",j[(i-1)]);
                if (  lua_isnumber(Lua_VM, n-1))
                        printf("from stack n-1 is an integer:%d\n",n-1 );
        }//end for
        GUI_DrawFillCircle (j[3], j[2] , j[1] , j[0]);
        return 0;
int Draw_Rect(lua_State*Lua_VM)
        int i,j[5], n;

        n = lua_gettop(Lua_VM);
        printf("stack size:%d\n",n );

       for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                if ( ! lua_isnumber(Lua_VM, -1))
                        printf("from stack not an integer:%d\n",i );
                        j[(i-1)] = lua_tonumber(Lua_VM, -1);
                        lua_pop(Lua_VM, 1);
                        printf("from stack %d\n",j[(i-1)]);
                if (  lua_isnumber(Lua_VM, n-1))
                        printf("from stack n-1 is an integer:%d\n",n-1 );
        GUI_DrawFilledRect(j[4] , j[3] , j[2] , j[1] , j[0] );
        return 0;

int Lua_Main( void ){

        int error;
        lua_State *Lua_VM = lua_open();   /* opens Lua */

        lua_Integer n;

        lua_setglobal(Lua_VM, " DrawRect");

        lua_setglobal(Lua_VM, " DrawFill_Circle");

        n = lua_gettop(Lua_VM);
        printf("stack size:%d\n",n );

        lua_pushcfunction(Lua_VM, Draw_Rect);
        lua_pushcfunction(Lua_VM, DrawFill_Circle);

        n = lua_gettop(Lua_VM);
        printf("stack size:%d\n",n );

       n = 0;
       lua_pushinteger(Lua_VM, n);

       n = 300;
       lua_pushinteger(Lua_VM, n);
       n = 100;
       lua_pushinteger(Lua_VM, n);
       n = 50;
       lua_pushinteger(Lua_VM, n);
        lua_call(Lua_VM, 4 , 1);
#elif LUA_RECT
       n = 0;
       lua_pushinteger(Lua_VM, n);

       n = 100;
       lua_pushinteger(Lua_VM, n);
       n = 100;
       lua_pushinteger(Lua_VM, n);
       n = 300;
       lua_pushinteger(Lua_VM, n);
       n = 300;
       lua_pushinteger(Lua_VM, n);

        lua_call(Lua_VM, 5 , 1);
        luaL_dofile(Lua_VM, "./startup.lua");


/*      luaL_loadbuffer(Lua_VM, buff, strlen(buff), "Rectangle");
        lua_pcall( Lua_VM, 5, 0,0);

        return 0;


io.write("Hello File load successful from LUA \n")

Best Regards,

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