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William Pursell <> writes:
> The notion of "edit the makefile to suit your
> system" led to a *lot* of headaches in the past,

No doubt.  [I like configure files too.]

If you want a configure file, I suppose you could ask the maintainers
for (or contribute) one.  But the Lua maintainers seem to often prefer
simplicity more than other packages, and given the usual Lua audience
I'm not sure that's really the wrong approach.  In many cases there are
3rd party packagers providing more friendly packages for particular
audiences anyway (e.g., I use the debian install of Lua, which of course
makes everything work pretty smoothly).

> provides the false sense that the build is portable.

I dunno, I never got that sense.  Perhaps it's just that I grew up in
the age of makefiles, but I pretty much always expect that I might need
to edit the makefile in a "makefile only" package.  When I don't need
to, I just feel lucky...


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