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Matthew Wild wrote:
On Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 11:12 PM, Francio <> wrote:

And by the way, is this way of concatenating 100% safe of any code
injections? Can only "]]" end string beginning with "[["?

There is no 100% safe way the way you are doing it - whatever you use
for the start have an end marker, and there is always a chance that
this end marker will appear in the user's code.

The correct way is using string.format()'s %q specifier:

Your example would be:
"user_code= " .. string.format("%q", user_code_here) .. "]]"

Thanks a lot for your answer.
But I forgot to mention that I am using PHP to concatenate the Lua codes (user code and sandbox code) and then run it with Lua interpreter.
If I will do it like this:




will the PHP and Lua special chars and they escaped equivalents match ?

I thought it will be easier just to replace "]]" and "[[" in user code for something like "\[\[" "\]\]" instead of sprintfing it and then just do

run_in_sandbox([[ $user_code ]])

