Hello Wim,
I look for Lua Lanes and I read about. One question, do you know how
he makes multheading without use fork?
On Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 3:17 AM, Wim Langers <wim.langers@adrias.biz
<mailto:wim.langers@adrias.biz>> wrote:
Japa ,
There are different multi tasking/multi threading libraries. I
recommend you look at Lua Lanes. If it isn't what you're looking
for it also has a nice comparison with other libraries.
On Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 5:23 AM, Japa <greatjapa@gmail.com
<mailto:greatjapa@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hello everyone
I'm a new user of Lua and I am using luaforwindows. I need
some library that implements a fork function, I looked for
some library already in luaforwindows that help me but I did
not find, is there any? I thought to use lposix but I don't
know how to install in my version of luaforwindows, someone
help me? I'm using windows xp, Visual C++ 2005 and
Marcelo Oikawa