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 > [snip]
 > >       for key, count in pairs(class) do
 > >         f:write(string.format('    [%q] = %d,\n', key, count))
 > >       end
 > You might not actually be leaking as much as continuously producing 
 > new garbage in this particular loop by using string.format.  What may 
 > be happening is that the default garbage collector settings are 
 > delaying the start of a major collection cycle until your process 
 > image has doubled in size...
 > You can try ... collectgarbage("setpause", 120)

Nice idea; I'll try it.

Another experiment suggests that maybe Lua is not collecting dead
coroutines that are created by coroutine.wrap() and are used in a
generic 'for' loop.   *Something* is getting delayed because on 
exit from the interpreter with EOF, my CPU pegs at 100% usage for
about 10 seconds.  I assume those are GC finalizers doing something...
