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On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 3:43 PM, Duncan Cross <> wrote:

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 1:39 PM, Michael Gerbracht <> wrote:
I need to convert float numbers into a string in a certain way[1]. The
original string looks like:


I need to convert it into:


so all floating point numbers n need to be replaces by @"n". Can you
suggest a good way to do that?

My main problem is to define a pattern for searching that matches all
floating point numbers, but not e.g. '4+5.2' in the above example.

Is it possible with lua or do I need the lpeg extension?

Thank you very much!

[1] I need to do that because I use RiscLua which supports floating point
numbers only as userdata.

You've definitely hit the limits of what Lua's standard string pattern matching can gracefully handle. It's still possible with a big function like this, but it's clear that if it was any more complicated, switching to something like LPEG would be the only sensible choice:



Sorry, I just realised a problem with this - it will match something with two decimal points, I should move the second fractional bit inside the previous if block:

function process_floats(input)
    local buf = {}
    local start = 1
    while (start <= #input) do
        local before,int,newstart = input:match("^(.-)(%d+)()",start)
        if not int then
        if before:match("%w$") then
            buf[#buf+1] = before .. int
            buf[#buf+1] = before .. '@"' .. int
            local fractional,afterfractional = input:match("^(%.%d+)()",newstart)
            if fractional then
                buf[#buf+1] = fractional
                newstart = afterfractional
            local exponentint,afterexponentint = input:match("^([Ee]%-?%d+)()",newstart)
            if exponentint then
                buf[#buf+1] = exponentint
                newstart = afterexponentint
                local fractional,afterfractional = input:match("^(%.%d+)()",newstart)
                if fractional then
                    buf[#buf+1] = fractional
                    newstart = afterfractional
            buf[#buf+1] = '"'
        start = newstart
    buf[#buf+1] = input:sub(start)
    return table.concat(buf)