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2009/3/6 thal 144 <>:
> Now when I enter
> ~/$  ./cpptoxml/cpptoxml -C cpptoxml/parser/rpp/pp-qt-configuration
> ./src/qtgui.cpp > src/qtgui.xml
> I get the response:
> Generator requires Qt include dir as option -Q or QT_INCLUDE to be set

export QT_INCLUDE=/usr/include

should work. You have to check that /usr/include/QtCore exists and is
a directory. Else you should find it and change /usr/include to the
proper directory.

> As far as cmake is concerned, I hadn't heard of it until recently, and I
> installed cmake-gui at the same time,
> and ran it on the "out of source directory" before reading your
> instruction to do it as
> $ cmake ../lqt
> $ make

If the "make" command finished then you already have your bindings
built. Check in . if you see things like ""
then you are done. Just move it to a place where lua can find it.
Check the Lua manual for how "require" works

For a quick test you can rename -> and -> . Then from the lib/ directory try to run the
examples shipped with the source.

> Sorry about that...

why? :) we should make the instructions clearer...
