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I've been working a little bit w/ Lua extensions in OSX and found there's somewhat of a disparity in how modules are handled... also noticed this in Linux modules as well.

==== Problem/Issue A ====

It seems that the convention of not linking against Lua is not followed. Where possible, Lua should not be linked against to improve module reuse between applications.

Some applications may pull in Lua, make a few mods but keep the API the same... some may decide to link dynamically against liblua... others may use LuaJit.

If you link against Lua, you tie your code to that specific liblua, risking problems if the 'Lua' runtime that is active doesn't use liblua.

In Linux, the solution is quite simple, don't link against Lua and it will definitely grab it from the current state due to 'ELF'.

In OSX, you need to use the -undefined dynamic_lookup option when linking the library.

In Windows... you're semi-hosed and have to figure out what mechanism you want, the general solution seems to be creating a proxy DLL and loading that in. A useful trick is the fact that when Windows looks up DLLs, if there is one w/ the same 'base name' already loaded, it'll use that instead of hunting down one in the path. For the case where Lua is linked directly in, I'm not entirely sure how this behaves when the EXE contains symbols.........

Semi convoluted example:

	Modules/*  all linked against a 'lua.dll'
	Application DLL - linked against a 'lua.dll'
	Application EXE - runtime loads Application DLL.
Can choose whether to use luabinaries or luajit by LoadLibrary-ing the appropriate Lua.dll...
		Then loads application DLL which does the actual Lua work

In other OSes I'm not sure...

==== Issue B ====

On the lua users wiki, there appears to be a 'wrong' idea of using dylibs as Lua modules in Mac OSX. Dylibs are libraries that aren't generally supposed to be unloaded (however in >= 10.5 it's now possible to dlclose them). The idea of using bundles is correct, as they are intended to be loaded/unloaded.

Any thoughts on getting this corrected/discussed?

==== Issue C ====

It appears that it is not common knowledge that Lua modules loaded are in fact unloaded. A proxy object is put in the registry w/ the __gc set to unload the DLL.

It may make sense to provide a symmetric function to luaopen_* , luaclose_* to give the module the opportunity to perform cleanup. One option it to have modules dump a proxy in the registry... though this is less obvious than if a luaclose_* were present (though documentation w/ example proxy+__gc regarding C modules might be effective).

This has bitten me in Lua Lanes where timing caused the module to be unloaded while a thread was starting up using code present in the module...