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On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 09:10:09AM -0300, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo wrote:
> > I'm asking the lua team to change the name of such a file in their tarball,
> > so that all distributions can agree on a single (versioned) name.
> Isn't that a task for downstream packagers? Anyway, we intend to reduce the
> number of files in the tarball and we're thinking about dropping lua.pc
> altogether...

It really depends on the kind of portability you have in mind. Writing lua
in ANSI C makes it portable, but is not sufficient to make applications
using lua (linking against it or just beginning with #!/usr/bin/env lua??)
portable among UNIX distributions. 

Dropping the .pc from the tarball is not a problem, but not having a standard 
versioned name is. Having it will make distributers agree on that name, both
for the interpreter name, the .pc file they may wrote by themselves, package 
descriptions, ...

If you take a position, it will be fine for every downstream packager. 
Hoping they reach a consensus, is pure utopia IMO.

Enrico Tassi