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2008/8/18 Mark Meijer:

> Indeed, what is the point of benchmarking a scripting engine using
> algorithms implemented in "native" libraries.

> Seems kinda silly to me.

Although I have some sympathy with the view that language benchmarking
is silly, period; this kind of complaint is still a little
disappointing because it's so unimaginative.

The point is:
- to see how much difference there is between Lua+GMP and Lua
- to see how much difference there is between Lua and gcc+GMP
- to see how much less difference there is between Lua+GMP and gcc+GMP
- to see if the programs blow-up (GNU Smalltalk memory use)
- to see what's going on with the different programs
etc etc

2008/8/18 Mike Pall <>:

> This benchmark is almost meaningless for comparing languages
> because it spends most of the time in GMP (for those programs that
> use it, i.e. almost all of them).

You seem to be suggesting that it's meaningless to show there's not a
massive difference between gcc+GMP and Lua+GMP - I kind-of thought that
was the point of glue languages ;-)