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On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 2:35 PM, Tim Maxwell <> wrote:
> Which of the following byte orders do you mean?
> A: 5 6 7 8   1 2 3 4
> B: 7 8 5 6   3 4 1 2

I'd rule out B, since that would come out of a 16-bit little-endian
CPU with big-endian arrangement of words.  AFAIK, ARM switches
endianness on 32-bit longs: 1234 - 4321, so the non-unreasonable
orders would be:

BB: 8765-4321
LB: 5678-1234
BL: 4321-8765
LL: 1234-5678

where BB means BE-CPU, BE-software; LB is LE-CPU, BE-software; etc.

both LB and BL could be called 'middle endian'
