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2008/7/25 Ben Kelly <>:
>> The tricky module-mechanism is not easy to
>> understand. I mean things like this
>>      local name = (...):gsub('%.[^%.]+$', '')
>>      local read = require (name..".read")
>> and similar lines.
> I'm not actually entirely happy with that; it feels ugly and slightly
> hackish. I have yet to come up with a better way, though.

The standard 'module' function does that work. You can replace:

local name = (...):gsub('%.[^%.]+$', '')
local read = require (name..".read")
local write = require (name..".write")
local compile = {}


module(..., package.seeall)
local read = require (_PACKAGE.."read")
local write = require (_PACKAGE.."write")
local compile = _M