I've been successfully using OiL (both the old and the new versions -- 0.4) by reading/writing IOR files directly. But now I need to implement a nameserver-based system. I've tried the same steps for acquiring the nameserver IOR, trying to connect to the server and issuing resolve and bind operations, but without success. I've searched the documentation and the demo files but couldn't find concrete examples on how to correctly use the nameserver.
Could anyone send me a simple usage example that works, I'd be grateful.
Marcelo Samartini Fraguas Teixeira
Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica
Coordenação de Sistemas e Redes
Sala 2C-20
Av. Getulio Vargas 333, Quitandinha
25651-075 - Petrópolis/RJ/Brasil
mteixeira@lncc.br msamartini@gmail.com
msamartini@hotmail.comOrkut: Marcelo Samartini