Awesome, thanks. I looked at that FSM page, but didn't immediately understand how to use it. Thanks!
On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 11:13 AM, Jorge <> wrote:
I implemented a kind-of asynchronous state machine too. I looked into
tail calls, but skipped on them due to asynchronous part and also
because i won't be the one defining the state machine and is easier to
explain how to do it using a explicit transition table.
I posted a question on this list a while ago, and based my solution on
code posted by Roberto (i think it was, can't find it now)
Initialize a state machine using:
local function FSM(t)
local a = {}
for _,v in ipairs(t) do
local old, matches_event, new, action = "" v[2], v[3], v[4]
if a[old] == nil then a[old] = {} end
table.insert(a[old],{new = new, action = "" matches_event = matches_event})
return a
A sample state machine with two states and two possible transitions could be:
--{state, predicate, new state, action}
local fsm = FSM{
{"ini", cond1, "end", action1 },
{"ini", cond2, "end", action2 },
{"end", nil, nil, nil }
where cond* are functions that evaluate whether a event is met, and action* are functions to be run on transitions.
Then, to advance the machine a single step you could use (current_state should start as "ini"):
local state=fsm[current_state]
local a
--search first transition that verifies event
for _, l in ipairs(state) do
if l.matches_event and l.matches_event(event) then
if a.action then a.action() end
current_state =
Hope that helps,