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Matthew M. Burke wrote:
If you'd like to test things out, Matt is currently streaming some of the talks from the 2005 workshop.

A few clarifications:

This test stream is automated and is running om y Linux VPS (virtual private server), where the Icecast streaming server is running, so the test stream will run continuously until we go live on Monday morning. You can connect any time between now and then to test your audio player and connectivity.

I'm not responsible for the Lua Workshop 2005 recordings that I'm using for this test; those are the recordings to which the Lua news page links. However, I'm planning to use the same bit rate and sample rate for the live stream, to avoid using too much bandwidth, unless I start hearing complaints about the audio quality. These settings are common for spoken-word MP3 streams, so I don't think there will be a problem. Note that the live stream will be clearer than the 2005 recordings, because the live stream will use the output of the room's sound system, whereas the 2005 recordings were apparently made with an audience member's portable digital audio recorder. The permanent recordings will also be of higher audio quality than the live stream. I don't mean to be critical of the 2005 recordings -- I certainly appreciate them; I just want to be clear about how we plan to do it this year.
