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suluyu wrote:
> My project  needs to call c function from a dll in lua script. I try 
> to write a sample with C++ builder and Lua5.1.3, but I come up against 
> some problems.
> The c library's name is "dllforlua.dll", the codes are:
> ---c library begin--------
>   static int lua_msgbox(lua_State* L)
>  {
>     const char* message = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
>     const char* caption = luaL_optstring(L, 2, "");
>     int result = MessageBox(NULL, message, caption, MB_YESNO);
>     lua_pushnumber(L, result);
>     return 1;
>  }
>  static const  luaL_Reg mylib[] =
>  {
>      {"msgbox", lua_msgbox},
>      {NULL, NULL}
>  };
>  int __declspec(dllexport) luaopen_dllforlua(lua_State* L)
> {
>      //lua_register(L, "msgbox",  lua_msgbox);
>      luaL_register(L, "dllforlua", mylib);
>      return 1;
>  }
> ---c library end----------------
> The lua script is:
>   dllforlua = package.loadlib("dllforlua.dll", "_luaopen_dllforlua")
>   dllforlua()
>   msgbox("Hey, it worked!", "Lua Message Box") 
> If use the function "lua_register", the lua script executed successfully.
> But if use the function "luaL_register", exectued unsuccessfully,the 
> error message is: "name conflict for module 'dllforlua' ".
> If I use require in lua script, the lua script fail to execute also.
> Could someone give me any advices?
> Thanks very much!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> suluyu
> 2008-06-23

You probably need to add a .def file (e.g., dllforlua.def) to your
project (this is what I do with C++ Builder in order to get rid of
leading underscores). Its contents:

  luaopen_dllforlua = _luaopen_dllforlua
