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Mildred wrote:
> Do you know a library that could do that ?
> If it doesn't exists in plain Lua, perhaps there is a C library that
> would fit, I'm ready to do a Lua binding if necessary.

What you want is lua-iconv:

It'll convert from any Unicode encoding to any other Unicode encoding.
In your case, tell it to convert to UCS-32 and then you can read each
Unicode code point as a number type.

(Beware that a single glyph is not necessarily represented by a single
code point, though --- it's still not valid to stick your UCS-32 string
into an array of ints and expect string slicing to just work. Here Be

┌─── ───── ─────
│ "I have always wished for my computer to be as easy to use as my
│ telephone; my wish has come true because I can no longer figure out
│ how to use my telephone." --- Bjarne Stroustrup

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