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On Friday 09, Bogdan Marinescu wrote:
> > That looks like the same step collection code as in the lua_memlimit
> > program.
> That's because I'm using your code :) I just adapted it slightly to
> match my data structures.
I found the problem.  The GC is disabled during the parsing of the script, so 
the step collection never runs and always returns false.  I will change it to 
return true when the GC is disabled.

Also I am working on moving the memlimit code into the Lua core.

Here is what I am think the C API will look like:
/* get current memlimit in Kbytes */
int memlimit = lua_gc(L, LUA_GCGETMEMLIMIT, 0);
/* set memlimit to 64Kbytes */

Lua API:
memlimit = collectgarbage("getmemlimit");
collectgarbage("setmemlimit", 64);

I will most likely use the step collection at memory limit method.  The 
memlimit can be disabled by setting it to 0 (the default).

Robert G. Jakabosky