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On Friday 09, Bogdan Marinescu wrote:
> To Robert: I tried to run "factorial.lua" and "bisect.lua" with a
> memory limit of 20000 bytes (using the default system allocator this
> time (malloc from Linux), so this is not an allocator issue) and it
> seems that Lua enters an infinite loop somehow. I didn't have the time
> to investigate this.
I tried those scripts with my lua_memlimit program and can't reproduce that 
bug.  I just get "not enough memory" errors.  Does the infinite loop only 
happen with the step collection modes?  If the allocator is 
calling "lua_gc(L, LUA_STEP, step_size);" multiple times until there is 
enough free memory to do the allocation, then make sure it stops after two 
completed collection cycles have been reported.  If that is not the problem 
can you try to capture a stack trace of the infinite loop?

Robert G. Jakabosky