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> I have a class which has arrays as members, the wrapper code is 
> generated with swig, but when I try to access the array elements I got
> an error saying that the array is an userdata. Can this be solved or
> should I change the array for some auxiliar class with accessor
> methods?

Hello Luo Hei,
Just treat it like a normal
SWIG wrappered array.
SWIG considers an array to be just another pointer.
SWIG will not do a conversion from lua table<->C array for you.
The best way to overcome this is to use carray.i
Something like this:

%module demo;
%include "carrays.i"

%inline %{
class A
int arr[10];
require "demo"
iarr_frompointer function converts a C array(pointer)
into a simple wrappered class which overloads the [] operator.

Thats my preference.

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