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I tried to apply the patches from to my
Lua 5.1.3 installation. I didn't find any specific instructions on how
to apply these patches, so I assumed that one should simply copy-paste
the patch to a local file and execute "patch" on it. However, this
didn't work until I changed the first line of all 4 patches to "Index:
<filename>" (instead of simply "<filename>:"), because "patch" would
complain that he can't find the file (and I don't think this is a "-p"
problem). Even after this, the first patch (LUAI_MAXCSTACK must be
smaller than -LUA_REGISTRYINDEX.) didn't work, I had to do it by hand,
because patch failed to apply it (I'm on Ububtu64, so everything is a
standard UNIX environment).
So, did I do something wrong (in which case some more detailed
instructions on how to apply the patches from that page are probably
in order) or the patches are problematic?