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Tomas Guisasola Gorham wrote:
Dado is a package that offers some facilities implemented over LuaSQL connection objects. Its main goals are:

    * better error messages,
    * iterators to access the result set and
    * more homogeneity in some commonly used database operations.

Dado is free software and uses the same license as Lua 5.1.

It can be downloaded from its LuaForge page:

Tomás Guisasola

A small addition for dado.sql if you are interested.  Had to add
local pairs = _G.pairs
to get it to work

-- Builds a string with a JOIN command to be inserted into a SELECT
-- @param tab String containing initial table name
-- @param joins Hash table as tablename = cond
-- @return String to place in select after from
function join(tab, joins)
  local t = tab
  for k, v in pairs(joins) do
    t = t .. " join " .. k .. " on " .. v
  return t
