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Tomas Guisasola Gorham wrote:
    Hi Mike

    Your script worked fine with Postgres.  I think the
ODBC driver has more restrictions on open cursors...  Anyway
a future release of LuaSQL would have a modified `fetch'
method which closes the cursor when there is no more rows to
retrieve.  I have modified the postgres driver to work that
way but have not tested it properly.  I think it wouldn't be
difficult to modify the other drivers accordingly.


Ah. I need, at this point, to work with odbc, as I am currently querying against mssql and db2/400. I had previously tried to create a higher level abstraction, similar in some respect to yours, but was running up againt the same problems, so I backed off and have been using luasql directly. I hadn't actually tried any of the native drivers, as they wouldn't be useful to me, at least on any of my current projects.
