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I have some lua functions I want to call from a C++ application. I use
lua_dofile to load the file. If I use lua_dostring to call a function it
works fine. However, when I use lua_getglobal/lua_pcall instead, my function
doesn't end up on the stack and pcall fails with a call to nil. 

Here's an example of what I'm talking about:

// get the foo module ready to go
lua_dofile(state, "foo.lua");
luaL_dostring(state, "foo.dosomething()");   // works fine


lua_getglobal(state, "foo.dosomething");
lua_pcall(state, 0, 0, 0);    
// returns -1, err message indicates a call to nil

my foo.lua looks like:

module("foo", package.seeall)

function foo()
   print("Did something")

Is there something I'm missing?
