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Dirk Feytons wrote:

Are you really sure because this contradicts everything I observed
(and worked around).
The VM throws an error if the types of the operands are not equal; see
for instance lessequal() in lvm.c. Even if both operands are userdata
they have to have the same metamethods before the VM even calls any
metamethod; see for instance call_orderTM() in lvm.c.
Ummm. My face is red.

In my overzealousness to promote this solution I simply wrote out
what I thought the console session would look like.

Also, I implemented the conditionals in the same way as the other
functions in my float library that would try to convert strings
and integers to floats if possible.

Mea culpa, and I'll avoid answering emails before coffee in the future.

Cheers, and sorry for the noise,
