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Sorry if this is a stupid question. But either I can't find the answer in the docs because of a "selective" blindness or it's not so obvious (I'm a newbie in Lua world). So here is the question:

Suppose we have a Lua file like this:

-- begin cut --
description="Application for selecting the rest of the applications",
connectingString="postgresql connecting string....",
                description="Sample application",
connectingString="postgresql connecting string....",

-- end cut --

This is in fact a part of a configuration file. I can load it, extract all the data I need from it using lua_gettable and such, but my c++ code is looking very ugly. Because I keep pushing and popping from the stack and other things like that. Is there a method of evaluating an expression in the present lua context? Here is what I want:

lua_evaluate_expression(L,"applications[2].type"); // expect to find `mysql` string pushed into the stack after this call


lua_evaluate_expression(L,"#applications"); // expect to find value of 2 pushed into the stack after this call

This is supposed to push the result of the expression into the stack. After that, I will pop it up from there and do whatever I want with it. The end resulting c++ code would be much cleaner and easy to understand.

Thank you