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Need help,


I have a built-in module for complex numbers defined as follows:


int complex_number_new(lua_State* L)


      // make a complex number and put it on the stack

      return 1;




static const struct luaL_Reg s_complex_f[] =


      // constructor

      { "new", complex_number_new },


      // many more functions …     

      { 0, 0 }




static const struct luaL_Reg s_complex_m[] =


      { "__call", complex_number_new },


      // many more operators …

      { 0, 0 }




int luaopen_complex_number(lua_State* L)



      luaL_newmetatable(L, "ak_complex");



      luaL_register(L, 0, s_complex_m);

      luaL_register(L, "complex", s_complex_f);


      return 1;




Question:  Why do I get the error “attempt to call global ‘complex’ (a table value)” when I attempt x = complex (1, 2), which should return the same thing as, 2)?


I see this question in the forum, but I (for the life of me) don’t understand the responses.  What is special about __call, and why isn’t it better documented?  I am so thick that it is going to take a concrete example in c or c++ to breach the wall.


What does work is

setmetatable(complex, { __call = function( _, ... ) return ... ) end })


but I want to do this internally, not in Lua.

