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On this day of 03/14/2008 08:33 AM, Alexandr Leykin saw fit to scribe:
> Sorry, I am still very weak and in terminology does not accustomed
> there, ( "a" "b" "c") set of values with numeric keys, but not set
> Key empty values.
> The effects of Python ...   :-(
> I need quick verification function that is the existence of values in 
> the table:
> is_value(table,value)->boolean
> Now I use a full select:
> function is_value(t,v)
>     for _,tv in pairs(t) do
>         if  tv==v then return true end
>     end
>     return false
> end

Hi Alexandr,

Is there something else going on that makes the suggested solutions not
work? To repeat one of them:

> a = {["a"] = true, ["b"] = true, ["c"] = true, ["d"] = true}
> Then,
> a.a => true (present in table)
> a.f => nil (not present in table)

If you need the array order as well, you can always add something twice
to the table: once treating it as an array, and once as a key.


table.insert(a, "z")
a["z"] = true

now a.z --> true, and "z" was added to the end of the array. Iterating
over ipairs won't get you the "z" key, but it will get you the index
containing the value "z".

- David
