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	Hi Ignacio

> I'd like the module to be aware of where it was picked up from. That's 
> because I want my module to be able to construct full pathnames pointing 
> to files in subdirectories.
	Why don't you use relative pathnames?

> If the answer is 'no', or 'no unless you patch Lua', then do you have 
> any suggestions on how to deal with "resource files"?
> If my module is at c:\foo\bar\myModule.lua, I need to load files from 
> c:\foo\bar\resource.txt or c:\foo\bar\blah.jpg, and the only path I'd 
> like to configure is the one I set in package.path, so I can't hard-code 
> the paths in myModule.lua
	Why don't you put everything in a proper directory?:

