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I think Yuri and PA have made a good point about the wiki (and this could perhaps apply to the website as well). Take a look at --- it's built with a CMS called Radiant which is programmed in, you guessed it, Ruby. is programmed in, again, you're correct, Php. is powered by, yes, you are an over-achiever, aren't you: squeak! is programmed in, wait, I can hear you about to chime in..., Python? Well, I assume so. But I've not been able to find anything that explicitly says that.

It's more than just marketing, however. And it's not an outbreak of NIH syndrome. I think there is a lot of value to "eating your own dog food" --- as several people have mentioned. Several years ago, before it crashed and burned, I worked for a company called Ars Digita (aD). aD built web sites for customers using a toolkit that we developed. We used the toolkit ourselves to run our company intranet. And (IMNSHO) that was critical in helping us really understand our customers (not that we necessarily always delivered well...). (*)

The only real point, however, is that I have storage and bandwidth to host one (or a couple) of pilot lua wikis stuffed chock full of the info that's on the existing (and not broken...) wiki. Contact me off-list if you want to take advantage of me (urr, I mean my offer...)


(*) A funny story which you can skip if you're busy and important: At aD you couldn't even be interviewed until you had done "The Problem Sets" and had your submitted code deemed suitably impressive. You can find the problem sets at (look at the 3.x psets, not the Java crud). One of the psets involved designing and implementing an on-line system for reserving conference rooms.

Now I believe I was roughly employee 100 when I was hired. So that must mean we had roughly 100 different implementations of an on-line room scheduling system built with our web toolkit (which we all claimed was the hottest thing since sliced bread). I happened to be in the lobby of our main office in Cambridge (Massachusetts, not the real one :) when our leader, Philip Greenspun (of Greenspun's tenth rule fame:, came through with a couple of potential clients. He stopped at the receptionist's desk and asked her to reserve the main conference room. Whose version of the on-line room reservation system did she use? It would of course fill me with pride to answer "mine." Sadly, the answer was nobody's. She pulled out a pencil and a notebook.