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Fabio Mascarenhas wrote:
Well, guess I spoke too soon about libffi! The documentation is pretty sketchy, but I dug around in the source of the CVS version of libffi and found how to do callbacks. So after some hours of late night hacking I ripped out ffcall and put libffi in its place. The Alien API remains the same, so I am calling this version 0.3.1.

I uploaded a new rockspec and removed the rockspec for 0.3 from the repository. All traces of ffcall are gone from the distribution. I incorporated the libffi source code in the distribution because the version in MacPorts is buggy.

Enjoy the GPL-free Alien 0.3.1!

Fabio Mascarenhas

How do you pass in arrays of values? For example, passing in and getting out values for the C function "void list(char** strings)".