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First of all, please disregard Polarinas response. It was apparently a
joke about you writing Lua in caps, which is wrong, since it's not an
acronym.The mailing list is generally not this hostile!

Second of all I am not familiar with freopen but from reading and it seems
your solution should work.

I suggest simply testing it, both in your actual project and for some
carefully constructed test cases if you're still uncertain!

On Feb 2, 2008 1:20 PM, Terisquas Brothers <> wrote:
> I'm trying to make LUA work in a platform where I have
> no freopen.
> I think there's just one appearance of freopen in the
> code, in luaL_loadfile. Is it safe to modify it from
>     lf.f = freopen(filename, "rb", lf.f);  /* reopen
> in binary mode */
> to
>           if (lf.f!=NULL) fclose (lf.f);
>           lf.f=fopen (filename,"rb");
> ?
> Is that a correct equivalence? (the truth is I've
> never seen freopen until now...)
> Kak
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