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On 02/02/2008, KHMan <> wrote:
> What I am doing in the same area: I'm writing a small Lua library
> to improve my personal incremental backup scripts (in Lua) on
> Win32, and impedance matching calls like FindNextFileW via a very
> basic UTF-8 <-> UTF-16LE layer. I decided to keep required structs
> and handles as userdata bundles and convert wchar_t <-> UTF-8
> right at the end or edges. I am calling two conversion functions,
> one to get buffer length and one to convert. I guess for the file
> and directory calls I am making, I don't think the performance of
> that particular part of the code will be an issue on an average
> 2007 desktop.

That sounds similar to what I'm planning. Thanks for the confirmation
that it's a reasonable approach.
