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On Jan 31, 2008 7:16 PM, Bradley Smith <> wrote:
> Brandon Van Every wrote:
> >
> > Usually when I see the "we prefer premake" sentiment, or some
> > such for another build tool, it's a small project.
> I'm one of those people who prefer premake. I'm project leader on 127K
> lines of C++ code, 312K with generated code. Whatever size project that is.

I'd call it medium sized.

> Learning something new isn't about discomfort. It is about cost versus
> benefit. If the new knowledge can be used in many ways, the benefit
> outweighs the cost. On the other hand, if the new knowledge can only be
> used to build the project, the cost may outweigh the benefit.

I think, though, there are times when people act like they're going to
have to learn tons of stuff, when in practice they don't have to.  I'm
not sure how true that is of CMake at present.

Brandon Van Every