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Hi everyone.

I have seen in a recent post a patch to print correctly[?] "\0" 
escapes in terminals. However I'd really like to use the
'official' Lua to do that. 

I am currently trying to write some scripts and it is a
_necessity_ having an easy to check output. Note that plain color
is not an option... Tried many things including string.format(),
google and lua-user-wiki without any luck. 

May I need a Lua/C module or patch to do just that?
Is there some clue in io.stdout() ?

bash>	echo -e "\033[01;31mError" -> Error (red)
perl> 	print   "\033[01;31mError" -> Error (red)
python> print   "\033[01;31mError" -> Error (red)
C: 	printf("\033[01;31mError") -> Error (red)
lua>	print   "\033[01;31mError" -> ![01;31mError

Hopefully this isn't a duplicate post. Thanks for your time.

Mario G.H.