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Hi there,

A lua user will be able to access a structure like Settings.User.Name inside a Lua file at any moment.
This said, these information are only available at C++ files, so I have 2 problems:

1. I need to define in C++ a table (Settings) that has four other tables inside (User, Var, Position and Bin) and these have the attributes (User: name, age, status, Var: int1, int2, int3, Position: int4, int5, int6, Bin: char1, char2, char3)
2. I need to make these tables available for Lua users at any moment of the code through their names, like or Settings.Var.int1.

I know that lua_newtable(L) creates a new table on top of the stack, but that doesn't make it available through her own name (like Settings), the user would must have to receive this table as a return statement from some kind of function... Is there anyway to do it?

Thanks in advance,
Rodrigo Araujo